The Ultimate in Brand Penetration

Greetings from Ho Chi Mihn City in Vietnam.

One of the things that strikes you about this dynamic, vibrant and friendly city is the huge numbers of motorbikes.

They zoom up and down the main streets in their thousands in what seems a mad chaotic rush with no road rules. They carry up to four people and all sort of luggage.

They are the mode of transport for locals.

So what is the dominant brand of motorbike? Honda of course!

In fact Honda is so dominant in HCM that the word Honda is used as the generic name for motorbike.

The brand name has so penetrated the market that the name has become synonymous with the product, much like Xerox or Hoover.

In Japan, Honda executives are so committed to protecting Honda's reputation that they actually clean a dirty Honda car if they see one in the street.

How can your corporate or personal brand achieve brand penetration for your target market?

Until next time, cheers Tom