Mobile Marketing Key Plank For Yahoo! Q3 2007 Earnings Call

By Thomas Murrell, International Business Speaker

If we look at Yahoo as a case study of an industry leader with a 10-year track-record, what is the future of online and Web 2.0 media and social marketing, what can we learn from their Q3 2007 Earnings Call?

Here are my insights:

1. Online advertising globally today $45 billion. That market opportunity is growing rapidly and is expected to reach some $75 billion by 2010. Next trend will be mobile applications.

2. Three key strategic differentiators that will be critical drivers to Yahoo!'s success -- insights, openness and offer partner-of-choice solutions

3. Largest user base on web. Major focus on making Yahoo! the starting point for the most consumers on the Internet with 477 million users, up 14% from a year ago. Internal estimate of page views grew even faster, up about 20%, implying growing engagement.

4. Relevancy paradigm for more relevant searches key challenge ahead


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